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Sunday 7th July
Employee share scheme (ESS) statements to be sent to employees
Sunday 14th July
Single Touch Payroll (STP) – end of year finalisations declaration due
Payers must issue PAYG withholding payment summaries to payees (that is, employees and other workers) for payments not reported through STP.
Sunday 21st July
Quarter 4 (April–June) PAYG instalment activity statement for head companies of consolidated groups – final date for lodgment and payment.
June monthly activity statements – final date for lodgment and payment.
Sunday 28th July
Quarter 4 (April–June) activity statements – final date for lodgment and payment.
PAYG instalments – Quarter 4 (April–June) instalment notices (forms R and T) – final date for payment and, if varying the instalment amount, lodgment.
GST instalments – Quarter 4 (April–June) instalment notices (forms SA and T) – final date for payment and, if varying the instalment amount, lodgment.
Superannuation – Due date for payment of super guarantee contributions for quarter 4 (1 April – 30 June) in the previous financial year – contributions to be made to the fund by this date.
Wednesday 31st July
TFN report – Quarter 4 (April–June) TFN report for closely held trusts for TFNs quoted to a trustee by beneficiaries – final date for lodgment.