Why would an accountant start a milestone card business?
Why would an accountant start a milestone card business? Because I feel like a failure. I see things on social media and I feel like the most imperfect person, and it stresses me out.
When I see those “perfect mums” who are running a business, have the perfect home life, make perfect dinners, get enough sleep, have a social life, have time to work out and still build a successful empire – I feel like a total failure.
It has been no secret over the past 6 months I have been re-evaluating everything about my business. Do I want to grow it, do I want to expand it, do I want to sell it, do I just want to shut up shop, do I want to get a “real job”.
Not only that, but we as a family have been going through many personal decisions. Is there a better life out there for us so we can achieve more of that desired balance, should we sell out house, should we move to the country – or if we stay put how does the next 5 years look like for us? And is it really want we want?
And then to top it all off, as if we were not thinking about a zillion things, my son gets bullied at school.
“Mum, Alex spat in my face four times- was one sentence that I never wanted to hear as Mum. “
Firstly, who is Alex, why was he spitting in your face and why did I not know about this from the school? Oh that is probably because I am too self absorbed in my business to bloody notice #truthhurts
“So what does one do when all this happens – well you need to find a way to deal with it that is not chocolate or alcohol. “
For me, it was venting. And the way that I vent was to create real life no bullshit milestone cards. This was my way of letting off steam, saying what was on my mind and just being real for a minute.
I spoke with so many other women who ran their business and burnout was debilitating.
“There were feelings of I am not worthy, I will not succeed, The mummy guilt is getting to me – ALL of the things I was feeling. Suddenly I was not alone.”
I put some of the things we spoke about as a quote – and sent then to these women. The response was one of “Finally, someone gets me. Someone is not scared to say it how it is”.
And so Real Life Milestones was born. We are all about the #nobullshitjustreality philosophy for business owners. I am perfectly imperfect and for the first time in the 4 years of running my consulting business I am finally OK with that.
So yes, there are hundreds of milestone businesses out there – hundreds. Search on Etsy, or Facebook and you will find them. To be honest, I didn’t even look them up. I am not competing with anyone. I am creating this milestone business as a way of dealing with my anxiety around not being perfect.
Plain and simple. That is all.