You are heartless…..said the debtor to me

Why thank you said me to the Debtor.

There are parts of my job that are not pleasant – I think we all have those aspects don’t we.  The bits you dread, the bits you know are not fun.  Well for me that involves chasing people for money on behalf of my clients.  This is part and parcel of my job so I really don’t bat an eyelid to it these days.  But often people dread it.  Here is why I don’t bat an eyelid and how I make the process easier and a relatively calm task.

I arm myself with information.  So in today’s example – a client had two overdue invoices – over 4 months overdue.  I had copies of the invoices, I knew exactly when I had contacted the client and in what way (I have to say Xero has made my debtor chasing days so easy with their fabulous audit trail), I had copies of the signed agreements between the supplier and the debtor.  I was prepared better than any general going into battle.

I detach myself from the situation.  I know – it sounds heartless right?  WRONG.  This is my advantage.  As far as I am concerned, the work has been agreed to in writing, fully completed, several chances to pay have been provided.  I am not paid to be the end debtors friend – I am being paid to chase a debt.  I do not fall for any sob story, I do not fall for any excuse (such as I haven’t received the invoice 17 times).  I can talk calmly and rationally with the end debtor, get my point across and often get the result needed.

I know when to walkaway (and know when to run…..come on – who else just sang that line??).  Today was one of those days.  The end debtor after 4 months of seeming to dodge my correspondence was taken to debt collectors.  And today was the day I received nasty and very unpleasant emails.  That is when I simply walk away.  I am stronger and bigger than that and I don’t play mind games. EVER.

So sometimes my superpowers are simply not enough.  I physically can’t make people pay.  I am not superwoman (although if I could wear a cape I would – just for fun).

Today proved to me that being called heartless is a POSITIVE thing.  It meant I was doing my job correctly and not getting swept up in the emotion.  So thank you dear debtor – for making my day.

Thank you for making me realise that I was doing all the right things for my client to try to recover what you so rightly owe them.


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