Bookkeepers are a great investment

As a small business owner, you’re likely concerned about every penny you spend. That’s a good thing, because you need to keep track of your income and expenses. It also means, however, that you might be less likely to hire people who can help your business. People like bookkeepers, who are great investments for any small business. So what does a bookkeepers do? Bookkeepers take care of the daily financial…  Read more

How Accountants & Bookkeepers can use Facebook

Can accountants and bookkeepers use Facebook to grow their business? You bet they can.  You see – do you know where your clients, and more importantly your future clients, hang out? Social media. Facebook has on average 1.33 billion active users a day. 1.33 billion.  Now sure that is a world wide number, so the stats in Australia will be less, but that is still a whole lot of people…  Read more

4 questions you should ask your accountant

Ideally, you and your accountant are more than just “adviser” and “client”. With your combined skills, expertise, and shared mission to support a thriving business, you should be more like business partners. The key to achieving success in any partnership is, of course, knowledge and expertise, but more important than that is strong communication.  If you can’t ask your accountant the questions you need answers to, are they really going…  Read more

Help, I think my accountant / bookkeeper is charging me too much?

Do you know how many times we hear/see this question? Oh at least 3 times a week. We get it, you need to be getting value from your accountant/bookkeeper. And what your accountant or bookkeeper charges you needs to be reasonable. However, what are you factoring in when you get your answers to that question? Skill? Service level? How many people touch your data file? The scope of work included…  Read more

What to do if you get audited by the ATO

No business owner looks forward to receiving a letter from the ATO requesting a closer look at the books.  An audit often makes people curl up in the foetal position, it invokes fear, stress, anxiety.  And the audit hasn’t even started yet. If you happen to be one of the lucky ones (*subjective view) that receive an ATO audit letter – don’t panic. It is time to prepare, get organised and…  Read more

4 ways to think about before you sell your business

Was your goal always to build a thriving brand to eventually sell your business for a tidy sum? Or maybe for other personal reasons it’s best to sell your business sooner rather than later. No matter what the reason is to want to sell your business, experts agree: it’s best to be prepared well in advance as it can take months (sometimes years) to complete a successful sale. These four tips will…  Read more

Why that “tax deduction” could be useless to you

The closer we get to 30 June and End of Financial Year – the more times I see the phrase “Buy now, so you can get a tax deduction this financial year”. I truly wonder how many unsuspecting business owners get sucked into this sales tactic – when they don’t even know or understand their tax position in the first place. “You see, a tax deduction is not the same…  Read more

I am not over qualified, I am qualified

I have many qualifications – not because I love studying, but because I love what I do. I am a numbers nerd through and through. I am a qualified Chartered Accountant, a Member in Practice, a member of the Institute of Public Accountants, a member of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, I have an accounting degree and I have worked in the accounting space since I was 20 (so for…  Read more

How to get value from your Accountant

We see posts all the time asking “How do I choose an accountant?” or even worse “My accountant is ripping me off, who can you recommend?”. I can’t stress enough that any service provider, whether it is an accountant or anyone else, needs to be offering you value. What you need to firstly understand is that there are various types of accountants. If you are looking to get a tax…  Read more

Qualified help is not free – Google is free and we all know where that leads

I know when you start a business finances are tight and every cent is watched like a hawk but if I had a dollar for every time I heard a startup say “I couldn’t afford an accountant so I just googled the answer…but I think I have stuffed it up…can you fix it” – well let’s just say I wouldn’t be sitting here at 9:05pm writing this blog post from…  Read more

Stop criticising accountants – you clearly haven’t met the right one

Every single week I see people bitch and moan about the prices accountants charge, that they are too expensive, that the individual (or business owner) is not getting value, that people don’t understand what the accountant actually does, or even worse – that accountants just push buttons that you can do yourself so really are not worth their time. Now let me reverse this just for a minute. How would…  Read more

Business is booming – so where the F$%K is all your money?

Calling all business owners, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, mumpreneurs, dadpreneurs – or any other fancy titles that are out there at the moment – the sooner you realise that profit is not the same as cash – the sooner you will start to plan for a fabulous financial future. You see here is the thing – I speak to business owners all the time who simply get frustrated (*insert swear words here…  Read more

Don’t judge an accountant by her football team

Not all accountants are the same. We don’t all want to do the same things, we are not all extroverts (surprise surprise), and we don’t all love big accounting conferences and sitting down with people that we don’t know (even if they are in the same industry). Some of us even have a life outside the accounting space, and love, (dare I say it), AFL. So, yes, while I am going…  Read more

Dear Random (who doesn’t want to pay for my services)

Dear Random Stranger (who doesn’t want to pay for my services) Thanks for you phone call tonight at 5:55pm (on a Friday) and asking me if I have 5 minutes for…. “just a really simple GST question”. Whilst I appreciate that you think your question may only take five minutes of my time, the reason it takes five minutes of my time is because I have a lot of skills…  Read more

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